Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Quick Blog Post #5 Pornography

I read the article “Stop Porn Culture!” and I agree with some of the stuff in the article but I also disagree with some stuff too. In the beginning it says “Do you ever feel overwhelmed by pornography?” No, I definitely don’t, I know if I wanted to find porn I could definitely go online or walk into a store and grab a Playboy or something but its never jumping out at me in my daily life. I agree that there’s an issue with the hardcore material that is both “move overtly cruel toward women and more widely accepted than ever.” The fact that the porn industry is turning into something that degrades women more then before is kind of scary because it already portrays women as sexual objects and with a “hardcore” style that doesn’t make it sound any better. I think that porn culture is bad for young boys especially because it gives them a preconceived notion that porn may not only be ok but that the way women are treated in the videos is ok and something needs to be changed in that facet. I agree with the feminist critique of pornography because a lot of women singing up to be in the porn culture agree to being degraded and stuff and I’m not really sure if they would honestly continue with that career choice if they sat back and thought what image it was putting out there for women. 

1 comment:

  1. I think a lot of people do feel overwhelmed by pornography because the line between hardcore pron and mainstream media is less and less clear. Regular films, TV shows, ads etc. are increasingly pornified, and reflect the values of misogynistic pornographers. Plus, the availability of online porn has greatly changed the culture because it is so easy to access. The average age for boys to look at porn online now is 11 years old. It is frightening to think about how pornography will shape their views towards sexuality and towards women.
